Tasks made simple.

Effortlessly document, track, and bill for your services with our smart tasks system. From case notes to billing, tasks have got you covered.

Task templates.

Our meticulously curated list of common tasks, based on feedback from dozens of support coordinators. When selected, the case note is automatically populated with the participant’s details and a complete description of the activity.

Intelligent case notes.

Introducing our AI powered case notes. With this feature, you can provide a custom prompt detailing any task and participant, and voilà! The AI generates a comprehensive, compliant case note in seconds. If you prefer to write your own notes, that’s easy too.

Getting paid for billable tasks.

Accessible via a dropdown in task creation or update views, it allows you to assign NDIS charge items and dynamically calculates the total rate based on time and hourly rates. This ensures accurate billing, compliance with NDIS guidelines, and prevents overspending from participants’ budgets.

Task specific uploads.

Think of it like a digital filing cabinet within each task. It allows you to upload any file relevant to a specific task, making it a breeze to keep everything in one place. Whether it’s a document you’re billing for, a participant’s signed agreement, or any other pertinent file, task uploads have you covered.

Frequently asked questions.

What is the tasks system and how does it work?

The tasks system in Coordinoter allows you to create, manage, and track tasks efficiently. You can set a title, record the time spent, mark tasks as billable, use templates, schedule future tasks, assign participants, write case notes, handle billing, and upload relevant files.

This system helps in organising your workload, ensuring accurate billing, and maintaining comprehensive records for better support coordination.

What makes Coordinoter tasks different from other providers?

Our AI-first approach ensures smart automation and data-driven insights, enhancing your productivity. Unique to our platform are Task Templates, allowing you to standardise and streamline recurring tasks effortlessly.

Additionally, our live budgets feature in the participants dropdown was an industry-first, providing real-time budget tracking and management directly within your task view. These innovations collectively make Coordinoter’s tasks system superior and more efficient than others in the market.

Discover more Coordinoter features.

Streamline your workflow and increase productivity with our smarter software, built in collaboration with Support Coordinators like you.

Participant management

All of your participant data is effortlessly organised in our feature-rich, intuitive participant management interface.


Create and send detailed invoices with ease. Let us take care of the billing, so you can focus on what matters.

Unleash your productivity.

Sign up for Coordinoter today and experience how our intelligent CRM can revolutionise your workflow.